Water meters measure the amount of water your household or business uses. This measurement is used to accurately charge for the water you use. It is also very useful if you wish to gauge how much water you are using, and if you have any water leaks.

If your household (or business) is connected to the public wastewater network and your primary water supply is a rain tank or bore – you may be able to switch to volumetric wastewater charging.

This means your wastewater charges will include a variable component, based on the volume of water that flows through your water meter. Alternatively, you can continue to pay a fixed charge, which stays the same no matter how much wastewater is discharged by your household or business.

Switching to a fixed/volumetric wastewater charge

Step 1: Read Watercare’s terms and conditions for raintank water metering

Step 2: Get a quote for your rain tank water meter before deciding.
Call 0508 758 628 or send an enquiry through the Contact Form to quote to supply and fit your meter.

Step 3: When the meter is installed, complete Watercare’s Rain Tank Water Meter Application Form and send it to Watercare Services Limited, Private Bag 94010, Auckland 2241 or by email to info@water.co.nz

Step 4: When your application is approved, Watercare will switch your wastewater charges from the fixed charge to the combined fixed/volumetric charge.
Your new wastewater charge will have two parts:

  1. a volumetric charge based on the amount of water flowing through your water meter
  2. a fixed charge, which is each household’s contribution to network maintenance

For this year’s rates, see Watercare’s water and wastewater charges information. Estimated meter readings Watercare will send you a bill each month. To minimise costs, Watercare will alternate between actual readings and estimates based on past readings when calculating your bill.

Your first bill:

The timing of your first fixed/volumetric bill will depend on when the meter reader is in your area following the approval of your application. In some cases, it may take up to two months for your first volumetric charges to appear on the bill.
Please note your bill totals may vary during the first few months as we gain sufficient information to accurately estimate your usage.​

Meter Installation:

To help you decide whether or not to go ahead with rain tank water metering, Watercare recommends that you first find out the cost of installation by contacting a Certified Plumber to get a quote. Before installing your rain tank meter, please read Watercare’s terms and conditions.

Here are some of the other things you need to consider:

The water meter: An Elster Kent water meter must be used.
Installing the meter in the correct location: Refer to Watercare’s installation guidelines


Rainwater tanks and household plumbing are private systems on private property. Therefore the operation and maintenance of the water meter and your private plumbing network is your responsibility.